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About the formation of the principles from the author


The main approaches to the formation of an existing principle of education began to emerge in the world hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Teachers understand them as: transfer students the maximum amount of knowledge accumulated by humanity. But during those years there was a lot of famous people, who showed their disagreement with this opinion, however, rarely offering its way.

I have everything turned out differently: from childhood I've been pretty receptive person, but, in spite of the frequent blows of fate, the cold to people I have not arisen. 

When studying at school, being 7 – 9 years old we do not understand, being 10 – 17 we get used, and after school being 20-30 we get indignant that we were forced to study unnecessary stuff, but we do nothing to change it. We prefer to leave it as it is.

I became a father when I was 50.  Each time when I saw what my son had been given as a homework, I was furious.  I have overcome a long and  not a simple way ,  and when I became the president of INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT ACADEMY, I was able to look at this both critically, and constructively.

Critically, because in my not short life I needed almost nothing of all that I had been taught at school then. And so did my son.    Nevertheless, it sucks happiness and health out of children. The more so, it makes them conservatives for their life term. Give unchanged knowledge - it is comfortable (cosy) for teachers, but it is absolutely counterproductive for children, their parents and society as a whole.

But the main Question: how to make school constructive? What should be done?  First, the scope of obligatory knowledge should be reduced several times. Only key knowledge should be left, and necessarily together with telling the story how, what for, and why this knowledge was gained. The main further thing is that it is necessary to teach children to see demerits and defects around about them and to be able to correct them effectively, and, if it is necessary, to create their own inventions and innovations.

By the time my son was born, I have already overcome the inventive stage, and then the stage of scientific work. In my scientific papers and books, I described the theory of creativity was developed, as well as the Alphabet and Grammar of evaluation of innovations, − NOVOMETRY. Before that, I created 17 technical inventions. And now, probably, as many social ones, which I estimate  considerably above the technical ones. The knowledge, gained and developed by me and my colleagues since 1973-75, were expounded in the textbook, which I suggest to use for the senior classes of school, institutes and universities.  

Today I am sure: young minds can make it much better if we study it starting from the preschool age. And, thank God, this thought was confirmed by the well-known decision of European Parliament  “DECISION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning the European Year of Creativity and Innovation  - 2009”.

Our textbook:

·        is based on belief that the future education should teach children the methods of creating innovations,

·        teaches children the Alphabet,  Grammar and Rules of evaluation of public utility or harm coming from the created inventions (including social, economic, ecological, moral harm), levels of novelty, creativity and, hence, prospectivity of innovation (literally in years),

·        allows to understand what synergy effect is, (i.e. when 2+2> 4). This is the main essence of a high-creative innovation,

·        teaches to be responsible for the harm done, any harm.   

Now our attention is focused on two major problems: adequate justice and creative education. To win our conservatism, first of all the education system must be modernized.

The beginning of our research was in 1969 - 1970 when we worked on the problem of protection of a person from radiation of high-power radars − in the book “Super-High Frequency and the safety of a person”, 1973. The book has been translated in the USA into English (in an underhand way). Later, in Patent department, I have set the task of creating the Alphabet and Grammar assessment of innovations, − NOVOMETRY -  and began to solve this task in. 

Acceptance of the principle and technique of evaluation of the quality of goods and services  and official registration of the Quality Certification System (CCK) (Statestandard of Russia). This is the basis of our business in Russia, and recently in Ukraine (web site, point 3; below in our text there are references to this site). 

Positive evaluation of the certification system by the Group from the European Union (point 3.8/3.9).

Positive evaluation of the program and the textbook from Russian Ministry of Public Education and Science (3 letters), Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region and Ministry of Education of the Kaliningrad Region.

The letter of appreciation from the director of elite school "PLANET", Moscow (all in the point 6.15).

Correctness of this general line was confirmed by “DECISION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning the European Year of Creativity and Innovation – 2009”.



Today many people say that modern education plays for us both good and evil roles.  In my life I used a very small portion of the stuff my son was made to study.  Later I learned: after school we remember less than 10 %, and we then use 10 % (sic!) from what is left. This 1 % does not worth 10 years of violence.  As we know, legislations of most countries provide for imprisonment for sexual violence.   Why do we allow MENTAL violence in education? Yes, it sucks happiness and health out of children and  it makes them conservatives for all their life.  This is definitely the half’reason why we have such a regrettable statistics: 1 of about 200 Europeans is capable of  practicing scientific activities, but only 1 of 2000 is a creative person, who is able to create something new; all the others can only copy. Without creativity we would still live in caves, lowing and chatted for a distance forward of direct hearing.

Yes, filling young minds with ready knowledge is cosy for teachers, but it is absolutely unproductive for children, their parents and society as a whole. 

Here is the 2010 movie about Leonardo da Vinci:  “… Leonardo did not have a good education, he only attended elementary school, that is why he did not filled his head with bookish debris.  Nobody forced him to think in a given restricted way. Therefore he gave all his life to preference to his own experience – instead of to the ready knowledge imposed by the society… ”. – When he was inventing, he was free and not bound by dogmas. That is why he has managed to get above, and considerably above the society surrounding him.  Let alone its art creativity.  The same is true for Picasso, M. Gorky, the author of trajectory to the Moon and for many other high quality experts. 

Today experts pay more attention to how to teach, instead to also look for, WHAT to teach. We want to change the very teaching principle and then to correct a little all our world: not so much trust and worship, as CREATE and IMPROVE. 

Now our Academy is focused on two major problems: adequate justice  (the Return Law > public court), which will make everybody not to resist useful innovations,  and creative education. For many years we tried to proved to lawyers the truth with respect to the former issue, that one - or two generations may change the world from deaf and aggressive to dialectic and humanistic.  But we met with stubborn resistance of even smart people; at last, we have understood the following: if we since childhood have been made a dogmatist,  it is simply impossible for us to overcome dogmas later.  Then the problem of modernization of education system automatically became the major one. 

Since the childhood, I was interested in inventing and designing, everyone enjoying  to do it with me.  I have got a high military education.  I was an active inventor in the antimissile defense troops: I worked on the problems of protection of a person from high-power high frequency radiations and some others.  Then I was granted a degree in technical sciences.   Soon I understood the algorithm of creation of inventions and ability to create them in any quantity, but I timely found that the main thing is their utility for society.  And then I passed into the sphere of economics. I have made the first step – I developed the practical QUALIMETRY, and became a Doctor of Economics.  Later I founded the expanded line in social sphere – SOCIOMICS, as well as the necessity of development of the sphere of development – NOVISTICS. At last, I managed to allocate and substantiate CREASPHERE in the noosphere.    

All together they make the whole symphony of knowledge, which my colleagues and me managed to gain and develop since 1973-75. It is the subject of our textbook, which I offer for senior classes of schools and universities [it is partially posted on our web site Clause 6.16].

Then it is necessary to gradually adapt all textbooks, having separated therein strictly obligatory knowledge (20-40 %) without extermination of other knowledge for the inquisitive children! - and to add to the separated  knowledge actually interesting stories, how and (which is most important) what for and why they have been gained. And then studying will be interesting and useful to many pupils. But those who make less progress and cannot memorize many tons of unnecessary and uninteresting knowledge, will understand the key things; maybe, they will  become inventors, they will not be considered stupid, they will not be enticed by the bad company, alcohol and drugs. And they will not leave the school ahead of time: it is an urgent problem in Europe now. 

Our textbook created created only for the senior classes of schools and universities and is written in Russian. But the author is ready to participate in its development "upwards" and "downwards", to the preschool education (as assumed by the EU). We are also ready to participate in translation of the textbook into other languages and in adaptation of all or at first several textbooks in different subjects. The modern Internet technologies ideally fit for this purpose.  

We are sure that our teaching materials have both educational and practical value: 

· In our textbook we tell how one needs to evaluate any innovation taking into account social, economic, ecological and moral effect and damage in case of modernization of production and improvement of the quality of produced goods or services. Any innovator, including within the underdeveloped countries, should know it [on our web-site point 16]. 

· According to psychologists, many people have passion for lotteries, games (gambling addiction), passion for risk… Then the interest in creativity will be very useful for such people.  

· The well adjusted and checked tool of evaluation of public utility of innovations developed by us for the last 30 years, allows us to recommend along with granting of scientific degree to create the system of assignment of creative degree for public development in proportion to the positive results brought. To establish a sort of the second Nobel Committee without infringement of the key points of Nobel’s Will [point 1.3]. 

· This tool will allow us to correct the mistake made by Justinian some 1.5 thousand years ago and to introduce the New principles of legal proceedings based on compensation for damage inflicted [points 15, 15.3].

But what our program will give to developing countries?

 1.      Pupils of the developing countries can understand the Development science and art much better than self-confident children from the rich countries. Pupils from the poor countries learn easier to notice demerits round about and how to eliminate them effectively. Just because they will want it more than others.

 2.      Our textbook teaches to correctly evaluate the quality and ecological cleanliness of products, including food. The countries which do not have the well-developed industry can produce such products and could get additional economic benefit, exporting to other countries at the expense  of raised prices proportionally to the benefit of the consumer, if they have learnt to show quantitatively these biological and other advantages. Such certification (CCK) has been implemented in Russia since 1996 [web site, point 3.13].

 3.      These countries will need the same system for estimation of quality of the goods, which they are forced to import from industrially developed countries, so that they did not get all poor-quality goods  [point 16].

But! Many teachers and judges will resist radical innovations in their areas. This is not only the human nature. There are some other reasons: lack of punishment for harm from use of out-of-date clichés and lack of teaching to see it in school. Yes, it should be taught and learnt. In Moscow we have one small television channel “EXAMINATION”. But it should be called “CREATIVITY and EXAMINATION” in order not to be engaged in permanent research of thousands of details of the remote past, but to program the future. It is necessary to show passionate debates on this issue in the evenings on primary channels. 

 Now we offer to use this textbook in the senior classes of school and universities.   Plus it is necessary to gradually adapt textbooks in all subjects to creativity, including mathematics, languages and literature. It is for all children. And for those children who want to completely devote themselves to creativity (to organize in the future, for example, companies providing creative support to  enterprises, various firms and institutions …) it is necessary to create Universities of creativity with special conditions of teaching and life for  getting  higher creative education [Clauses 6.0, 6.24 - 6.27]. Their mode of training should  not be usual. Except for studying the alphabet, grammar and procedure of search of creative solutions and evaluation of their public utility, their education must be carried out in isolation from today's show business and policy. Pupils will learn to consider the Internet and PC not as a goal in itself, but as a tool, the ladder to the new happy world in harmony with themselves and the nature.

 Ideologists of WISE program should be congratulated: the decision to create this program is brilliant. It seems that the leaders of great countries are starting to understand the importance of the system of education. In 2008 Europe proclaimed it. In March 2011 the president of China mentioned among the major problems for the following 5 years the access to the high-quality education. Qualitative does not necessarily mean expensive, elite does not necessarily mean expensive as well; the main thing is that it should be effective for society. By offering our textbook and our program, we are trying to show that attracting children to creativity is necessary, possible, and effective.

 I would like also to ask you, WISE experts, such question: who will lose least if nobody notices our offers?The author. And if they are suddenly noticed, he will have losses only.  First, it will be necessary for him to overcome barriers to flight to you (financial and many others). Second, if required, to give lessons to teachers – via a translator, who will have to learn the unusual terminology as well, and it may be necessary for the author  to watch the text while translating our textbook, and, probably, together with co-authors to prepare such a textbook for elementary classes and students.  Plus to live in an uncomfortable hotel, and to eat the unusual meal, if, of course, it is not for a quiet European city. Third, if a very clever billionaire wants to create the University of creativity, the author will be obliged to help organize the preparative work to start study from the next year. My friends who participated earlier in a similar work, know what it would take. And when the university starts to work, who will be responsible for the inevitable defects at the first stage? – It will be the author. Yes, the author missed the time to make it for his son, but he hopes, that it will be useful for others.  

 The recent events in the Arabian countries and historical information allow me to assume that soon the Islamic world will face the splash of interest both in knowledge, and creativity - as  is written in the Koran: “do strive for knowledge as it will let you implement your plans”. I want to believe that these plans will not be against other people, but only as an example of wisdom for others, as an impetus for adopting the most valuable things as soon as possible, rather than as it was with the transition from the Roman to the Arabian numbers, which took almost a century.




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