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European Commission
Directorate-General for Education and Culture,

Deputy Head of Unit Roger O'Keeffe,,,


Дата /Date: 05.05.2010.


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Directorate-General for Education and Culture,

Deputy Head of Unit Roger O'Keeffe


Concerning the European Year

of Creativity and Innovation  


Dear sir Roger O'Keeffe,


Approximately one year ago we wrote to you  about our admiration of EU program  «DECISION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning the European Year of Creativity and Innovation (2009)  - COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Brussels, 28.3.2008;  KOM (2 008) 159 endgultig В 2008/0064 (COD)». It is not surprising:   we are engaged in this problem some decades and with jealousy have concerned great attention to this problem at EU level, above the state .  We very much hoped for possibility to enter into this program. 

Dear sir Roger O'Keeffe, I will remind:  you to us then has advised to make it through national projects   - as for 2009 financing on this theme has not been provided.  However already then it was possible to expect, that hardly probable someone will want to share money, especially with Russians  and especially on a theme which seems to all such beautiful and simple. And so it was.

There has passed year.  We should find out, whether our works are necessary for the best performance of the fine «DECISION  … concerning the European Year of Creativity and Innovation (2009)».

For this time we have got acquainted with earlier document - DECISION No 1982/2006/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 18 December 2006 and many publications on this theme.  And recently have managed to get acquainted with perfectly executed report of institute  I PTS «Innovation and Creativity in Education and Training in the EU Member States… 02 March 2010 -».

Besides, from all practical programs we as an example chose the program «Marco Polo»:  several years ago we tried to make something similar in Moscow.    We have sent our remarks and offers in Marco Polo team (the APPENDIX 1). After our long search of the addressee for discussion of methodology of this program Mr. Szymon Oscislowski - Marco Polo policy Co-ordinator has given us the kind consent:

  …Thank you very much for your offer regarding the contribution to the Marco Polo programme, which I find very interesting. First of all, I would like to confirm the position expressed by my colleagues from Marco Polo Helpdesk team that the work on current revision of the Marco Polo calculator is limited to the internal Commission services.

…The Commission will start the review of the Marco Polo programme this year. …The stakeholders and interested parties will be able to take advantage of the public consultation which will be organised later this year. …all the contribution will be the subject of thorough examination by the Comission experts. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions…


Almost full text of the answer prepared by us to Mr. Szymon Oscislowski  - too as an example, are presented in the APPENDIX 2.

The analysis of all materials available for us has shown,   that the European scientists have spent remarkable workings out, concerning infrastructures of a problem of an estimation of corporate value and registration of innovations,   but have not broken a barrier,   before which we too have stopped about 25-30 years ago:  definition and calculationof a complex estimation of social and economic and ecological efficiency of innovations and their level of novelty.  For an estimation on territory of Europe it is averaged almost has no errors , but for densely populated district error can reach a considerable quantity of times.  Favorable conditions to us then have allowed to break this barrier and now we are ready to offer your researchers our results, which we have managed to receive for all 30-35 years of our work.  It will help them to overcome boundaries which they do not see, and further to continue the works independently. 


We can simply send them materials on Email.  But it will be hardly probable productive, too uneasy material.   Therefore I assume to take advantage of existing legislative possibilities -  Decision No 1982/2006/EC  (16)  and I will directly tell you our readiness  at nominal payment of our work  to work some years in one of collectives of Europe,  which will sincerely want to make together with us the essential step forward.


Our letter on perfection of program Marco Polo (the APPENDIX 2) includes also a number of general questions, which were to be offered to you and your experts.  These are questions of perfection of education (close by  DECISION  … concerning the European Year of Creativity and Innovation), plus of perfection of a question of responsibility for non-use the most effective socially innovations together with questions of justice, and also the other questions of «creatifisation» of Europe.


In case of a favorable meeting by the European scientific community of our approach    and occurrences between us of sufficient mutual understanding, the transferred device can be shared for the several practical purposes, in particular, for filling textbooks within the limits of innovative education (one such textbook for the senior classes of schools is prepared by us),   for introduction of system of adequate certification of the goods and services in criteria of quality and ecological cleanliness, and also certification of the enterprises on indicators of of negative influence on environment and the population etc - in total about 10 points; explanations see in the APPENDIX 3. 


For all it to already available 7 institutes or within the limits of one of them it is expedient to create  - The All-European Institute of monitoring and programming  of public development  (MPPD), which after development of rules novometry and accreditations of a network of the centres in Europe  can master procedure  of the review, detection, verification and metrology of consequences of innovations  (any: technical, technological, organizational, financial, legislative, cultural-entertaining, scientific etc.). On the basis of these data it will be possible to make the actual and long-term forecast of influence of  innovations for public development, including economic, material, social, moral and psychological consequences,  if necessary – to develop timely measures of their updating and even to programming  of public development  with differentiation of recommendations for branches, geographical areas and the countries   and to adjust preparation and exchange procedure by the most perfect experience between EU member states.

At this institute it will be expedient  (in parallel with the existing centres of assignment of scientific degrees and award of Nobel Prizes) to create the All-European Center of assignment of Creative degrees of public development  on the basis of data about efficiency of innovations, and also self-financed Business centre of accreditation and certification of quality and ecological cleanliness for interested persons authentically to show in advertising high consumer properties of the goods and services, including such, as cottages, the ground areas, internal and foreign rounds etc. It even in the first year not less than hundred workplaces and the main thing – possibility of creation of the directed vector of public development of Europe.


More detailed explanations, including innovative education according to the «DECISION  … concerning the European Year of Creativity and Innovation (2009)» are given also in the APPENDIX 3.


To me and all our group (3 professors: 2 from Moscow and 1 from Kaliningrad) it is absolutely clear, that  the European scientists will want to solve all problems, without the invitation of foreigners, especially from Russia.  Meaning opinion in the West concerning level of works in Russia, it, maybe, is morally justified.        

But can be, in this case it will be not absolutely productive. It will be very pity, if  the fine initiative  of Eurocommission will be executed not on the highest level.  Anyway, taken by us as an example program Marco Polo says, that else there can be big reserves.


Naturally, executors of concrete programs can not consider these reserves.  At us only one hope: our offer will see those, who has created  fine DECISION 2008 and initiated its statement in EuroParliament.   When we 1 – 2 times a year sit down to write you not short letters, we hope for this variant.


In any case we should apologise for our too big persistence.


The appendices mentioned in the text and detail are also big.  Most likely, you them will not look. We will put them on our site … …, section … …. Also we will send to some your institutes.



With the best regards, Boris A. Minin