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     MAOP                                                 International Public Development Academy




Boris A. MININ







For senior classes of general education schools, colleges and higher education institutes. It has been published drawing upon  conclusions and advices of Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, by the IPDA project “NOVATIV (INNOVATIONAL) EDUCATION”



MOSCOW 2009 / 2011


УДК 373.167.1:33+33 (075.3)

ББК 65я271


THE AUTHOR Boris A. MININ, President of the International Public Development Academy, Chief of the Federal Centre of certification, Doctor of engineering, Full doctor of economics, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of informatization (UN)




BOLOTOVA Lyudmila S., Full Doctor of Engineering, Professor of Moscow Institute of radio-electronics and State University of innovative technologies, an expert in systems of artificial intellect

VENIAMINOV Stanislav S., - Full Doctor of Engineering, Professor, the expert in Space Surveillance and Orbital Debris, the member of many international Committees on the topic (and the translation)

DEMIDENKO Edward S., Full Philosophy Doctor, Professor of Bryansk State University, an expert in the urbanization

RADIN Valery B., Full Philosophy Doctor, Chief of Educational Academy of National Security Problems, an expert in general security problems

TEREKHOV Alexander G. Dr. of Engineering, Professor, Deputy Director of Institute of micro economy, an expert in ecological security

TIKHONOV Rostislav  S., Dr. of economy, Professor, an expert in control and quality systems

YASWIN Vitold A., Full Doctor of psychology, Prize winner of the Russian government Award in Education



It is prepared proceeding from the necessity precondition to begin introduction in practice of teaching at compulsory  schools, and then at high schools, of the theory of creativity and practice of the innovative (we consider more precisely – novative, i.e. not only “implementative”) activity. Simultaneously it is necessary to essentially lower the volume of compulsory injection in the pupils’ heads, without dependence from their preferences,   tremendous dogmatic material in all – as if immemorial and for ever, but thus to teach it in a dialectic form, with an explanation of how and in what conditions it was created, opened, or invented, what difficulties were overcome , with an explanation of indispensable exceptions of the conventional laws and with obligatory examples of their application.

But for the pupils having sharp preferences of some subjects, we, on the contrary, consider the necessity of creation for them the most favorable, conditions for studying of these disciplines.

It is possible to consider, that this book opens a new era in pedagogy, corresponding to the new Space age: one should not so much trust and worship, but, the main thing, – create and improve,  to invent new and useful things, to become an architect and a smith of the life.

 THIS EDITION was printed after the message on a recognition in the EU of  2009 as «the Year of creativity and innovations» with the notification on this event and expansion of the material of applications.


ISBN                                                                                                             373.167.1:33+33 (075.3)

© Minin B, 2009

© «IPDA», 2009






Below is a concise content from the large project implemented by our initiative in 2008.

A special part in support of our confidence in the right way of our works in the sphere of public development and, in particular, in education, has played by the decision of Europarliament in 2008 we revealed for ourselves. We mean the decision on the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009  DECISION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning the European Year of Creativity and Innovation (2009)  - COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Brussels, 28.3.2008;  KOM (2 008) 159 endgultig В 2008/0064 (COD. That was an unprecedented decision in its accuracy and details. The next support was the decision of Government of Qatar on performing a wide search of the best decisions in the sphere of education (also oriented onto higher governmental and personal priorities of social-economic development). These events gave us to feel ourselves wanted and right for the first time for later decades.



·        a substantiation of the necessity and further the real possibility of introduction into schools of  the new subject – NOVISTICS, based not on memorizing and learning by rote a great deal of material, but on teaching pupils and students to innovatively and creatively think;

·        a description of the structure of the new sort of a textbook for realization


The textbook includes:

a description of natural processes of evolution in nature;  

an explanation of organized and unorganized processes of development in human society, rules and samples of revelation of defects in the life round about, and insistently pointing pupils to elimination of defects;

a substantiation and explanation of  different criteria (economic, social, and ecologic) efficiency of innovations, a notion of efficiency as a whole;  

the algorithms of transformation of educational material and educational process for all existent educational disciplines with the aim of introduction of the new means of teaching – innovational;

 a description of projects for establishing the School of creativity and the University of creativity (of public development)


After official introduction of the educational discipline NOVISTICS into schools, the rules of entering institutes and universities and the structure of the united state examination (USE) should change and so on.

We have every reason to consider our unpretentious project and the book created in its frame (the first textbook on the innovative tuition) will let us start the new era in pedagogics, corresponding to the New Space Era: Never trust and never worship but create and perfect: to invent the new and useful, everyone should be an architect and a smith of  his Life.

    So, we propose to start  without delay the introduction of the theory of creation and the practice of innovative (more exactly, novative – not only inculcative!) activity into the practice of teaching in schools and then in institutes. With that, we should essentially decrease the amount of compulsory bringing in the finished stuff into the pupils’ heads, with no dependence on their preferences – the finished stuff, as if since earliest times and forever.

As it is well known, only a small portion of this stuff can be remembered more than till the next exams. Proposing to essentially restrict the teaching material, we believe it is necessary to teach it in dialectic development, with explanation of how and in what social conditions it was created  - revealed or invented, what obstacles were overcome, with giving some exceptions to the rules and laws, and with obligatory examples of their application to the practice.


We should urgently see and realize a flagrant contradiction: the laws of most countries envisage the criminal prosecution for the sexual abuse, but our educational system easily allows not less harmful, constant  and mass violation against the young minds and bodies of our pupils.

The position and materials of this project and that of our textbook have being formed for more than 30 years – since 70s of the past century.

But the immediate stimuli for active  propagation of innovative education came to us very recently, when it occurred to us absolutely  clearly: the reason by which people do not conceive  any  novelty   and, if there is a possibility, prevent from its realization, especially in case of social novelty (which, as it is known, is wanted by all together but no one concretely)  - not bad people but their poor education, long ago being behind the time. Those  people do not  absolutely understand the things «NOT INVENTED HERE».

Plus, of course, the stagnant justice system, which judges and condemns for violation of items of law, invented by people, but not for the harm caused, including because of non-introduction of useful novelties.

Nevertheless, the primary matter is the educational system beginning from school.

The education system which we offer, in all respects can be called experimental:

·        the very subject  “Neo‑knowledge”, “Neology” (or generalized - “Novistics”) is introduced experimentally;

·        then, as an experiment, for younger classes and for elderly (senior) ones (or for more interested pupils) the materials have been set up in different fonts;

·        as an experiment, after the analysis of possible replies to the material of this test edition, it is supposed the mass invitation of teachers and scientific community for its perfection and polishing. The names of the authors of all accepted remarks and suggestions will be indicated and thanked.


And if this subject will be introduced into a standard and accepted  as a textbook, then, for preparation of its analogs for the most initial classes of different schools and then for institutes, invitation of experts is envisaged for preparing independent educational supplies on all basic school and institute subjects in correspondence with the acting standards. The most active experts will be introduced as co-authors.

Some recommendations on the subjects are given in the last part of the book.

At last, experimentally but based upon the real Russian experience,      a special algorithm is supposed for studying the material by pupils and students: all and at once during a year, but with its repetition in the following years on the new levels.








1.1. Natural cosmological, geological and climatic changes. Influence of human (anthropogenic) activity

1.2. Development of means of production, subjects        of consumption and conditions of survival  

1.3. The non-material goods

       Questions and tasks




2.1. A novation Public development – what is it?  

2.2. To see and foresee (to predict) the consequences from defects and how to exclude them 

2.3. Technical and social revolutions and shocks. What will happen, if not to think on them in advance? Revolutions, evolutions and involutions (stagnation or recourse)    

2.4.Formation of "revolutionary ethics». On up-to-date reorientation of members of a society and on  the "proletariat’s" leading part in revolutions

2.5. How to avoid wars and revolutions and to constructively organize the effective development 


       Questions and tasks




3.1. Where is the distinction between the organization of economic, political, and social development?

3.2. What comes into the concept of social factors and what a social effect or a damage is.

3.3. To develop means to correctly stimulate

3.4. The objective and subjective reasons of public resistance for socially useful novelties. Resistance forms to the new and useful occurrences. And resistance to this resistance (counter-resistence)

3.5. About indemnification of the damage caused as a result of antisocial activity or inactivity   

3.6. Constructive sociology

3.7. Science and production and consumption practice of the social goods – Sociomy  



       Questions and tasks



4.1. Science about novelty– NOVISTICS

4.2. How to get rid of the habitual “trues”, the imposed stamps and the thought up myths

4.3. The craft of invention – designing of steady systems. Inventions de facto and de jure

4.4. Fundamentals of metrology of innovations (NEOMETRY). The elementary formulae  for calculations

4.5. On the quality calculation

4.6. Obsolescence, Novelty and Rank of scientific and technical achievements

4.7. On the origin of occurrence of creative ideas. Creation of the «informencyclopaedia»  of one’s country – video-histories about everyone who transforms it     


Questions and tasks


Conclusion to the first book

Appendix 1. On the quality of goods and services 

Appendix 2. Sciencemetry. The scientific potential of scientific achievements 

Appendix 3. Obsolescence, novelty, prospects, and a rank of innovations  






On the project «Innovative education » - for teachers, scientists and experts  

 The basic list of the literature which have generated this course of novative education 

 The scheme of adaptation of the subject-matter of the book for preparation of manuals (practical guidances) in concrete subjects 

  On THE PROJECT «NOVATIVE EDUCATION» for teachers, scientists and expertsThe LETTER by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation









“Never trust and never worship but create and perfect”



You have stepped into the world full of beautiful and enigmatic things, created by Nature and your parents. But, as everything all around, it is full also of incomplete, imperfect, and unfinished things. And it is developing. Very soon, you together with us, elderly people, will be forced to learn how to find round about all imperfect things lending themselves to perfection. And all this is for finding new solutions and making our life better and securer. To be trained enough for this you should read this book.


More than 6 billion people live in the world now. If all the people were uniformly distributed over the Earth (ABOUT 500 million km squared), it would give 12 people for one km2, and we could scarcely see each other. But as a matter of fact, the most area of the Earth’s surface (70%) is occupied by seas and oceans. So, the real average density is much higher. However, a great part of the remaining area is unfit for living (deserts, bogs and so on). The populated area appears much less, and over it, people do not settle uniformly. People have densely populated the area about 3 million km2. In Moscow and in some southern  cities, up to 10 thousand people occupy 1 km squared. It became possible because we have learned to build many-storeyed houses  and to leave great territories for forests supplying us with oxygen for breath, for fields and gardens giving us foodstuffs.

Alas, we have not so much lands fit for production of foodstuffs, and their area constantly decreases. But, what is more significant, the productivity of those lands fall very fast. A man, for his own need, does away with forests, exhausts the lands, which have been created by nature for many millions of years. And in many places people are in need of food. We lack pure water fit for drink, raw materials for plants,…

People have been fighting for these resources for many years. For an ancient man that was even useful: it let him support his physical and moral vitality and helped his biological and spiritual development. But then, after appearance of machines, all the positive of this has disappeared.

The refined weapons invented by people – tanks and bombs – kill a great amount of human creatures – good and bad, kind and evil …

And after inventing the nuclear weapons, a contemporary war, if any, would be a tremendous threat for everyone who is even not a soldier, a threat for the entire world.

And, at the same time, the more machines are produced, the less really pure drinkable water and good foodstuffs remain. They are not enough for all countries and nations, and many children, barely born, die.

It is very hard to prevent this. A Man today should be not only just clever, but also wise. He should learn not only to think standardly (when 2+2=4), but also creatively (when, thanks to his inventions, 2+2 appears more than 4). The latter “paradox” occurs in the nature not so often but it appeared long ago, perhaps millions of years ago. But a Man conceived this “synergy” rather recently. As a matter of fact, it is a grain (a core) of any real invention, novelty, innovation. And then he (a Man) conceived the necessity of guarding his inventions. A patent system began to develop, which now exists in relatively developed countries. Today one should count on innovation, on the innovative way of development as a great reserve of self-development. That is why the leaders of many nations (as well as ours) declare the innovative way as the main means of development. The innovation is introduction of the novelty. Well, as we will be engaged not only in introducing something created by somebody else, but as well will try to create something ourselves, we called our project “novative”.  

Unfortunately, only few people are able to create efficient constructions, inventions, and “systems”, i. e. the novations with the gain more than the expenditures.

Polish scienceologists once calculated that only one of 200 can be a real scientist and only one of 2000 – a real inventor! Why should you wonder? WE WERE NOT TAUGHT TO THIS AND ARE NOT. Please, ask your parents what the invention is and how to do this. Very few of them will give a correct answer. We should learn this starting with this book.

    One sharp-sighted historian once noted: each new generation wishes to have its portion of glory. Well, wars, where one could easily become famous, but lose one’s life as well - they remain not infrequent phenomenon on Earth.  Terrorism, assault, and aggression in the streets of towns and villages have not yet disappeared.

     Our country in principle seeks to live peacefully, and martial lads should think how to get their portion of glory at the peaceful field.  And it does not mean to win in the TV game “for a million” or in an infantile quiz “please, guess the word” or “recall: what, where, and when?” And not a record in “Guinness book”, unless it was made something useful for people.

To just understand each other, let’s clarify what we mean by the word “useful” (socially useful). By this word, we mean one’s action to help (free of charge) anybody earn more for being able to buy more useful and pleasant things, if one makes a present to people more years of pleasant and productive life, if the created technique works longer and one’s invention is used longer and effectively  in different kinds of technique, if one can save people from dirty water and atmosphere, from assault, from being stolen, from miscarriage of justice … Some day we will learn to calculate all this usefulness in banknotes – rubles, Euro, US dollars,…

Let us not give way to charms of the magic word “progress”. In reality, its paces in terms of social usefulness are much more humble than it seems. Please, ask your granddad to look for his electric shaving-set he used in his youth age, if he has not yet disposed it. Please, ask him to shave himself with it and to compare the result with the quality of shaving with the help of nowadays shaving-set. Most likely, he will not detect the difference.

Only perhaps the new one became lighter and less noisy. But for many years, hundreds of designers, scientists, and even inventors perfected its construction. (By the way, the Patent fund is replenished almost a half million items a year.) Our fathers, grandfathers, and we are paying for all this when buying it. It turns out that all the efforts were in vain. Were these? Approximately the same is with old players which are much better than the modern ones – the so called “soap-boxes”. One of the causes is the absence of right quality control, to be more exact, the misestimate of relationship between the increase of quality and the increase of cost. We will discuss this as well

What is our main sensation of progress? (I hope, we will not doubt in its existence.)

  It is appreciable, as a rule, where “the principally new” ways, inventions with a high level of novelty and creativeness are being mastered. For example, the advantage of CD can be appreciated if compared with magnetic tape, the new UHF/FM-bands – if compared with earlier “overpopulated” medium waves. Your parents can help you feeling the difference. Or invention of the format mp3… It is a pity, the composition of talented music is going in the former rate, and from the newly brought “melodies” even a grass fades (literally). But that is another topic.

   We should note: there are no two progresses alike. Let’s arrange about the following: we are for progress including the technical one, but in the case if we do not pay for this by duration of our fellow citizens’ life, if it is not pressed on us and we are not obliged to suffer any harm connected with it.

We will try to understand how to detect demerits and under-working up in all around us, and how to search for the ways of their neutralization and rendering them harmless. Perhaps, something we will find could be an invention. Then we will learn to properly form it.

Today and always, it is impossible to live and impetuously develop, rendering  no harm to everybody.   If you are building even a little house, all your neighbors are forced to suffer noise and other discomforts. And similar situations occur almost in everything. But then let the committer pay us for this harm just the amount as we sense the harm. We will teach you to estimate the harm as well.

 Suppose, if we (all mankind) had arranged to reimburse the harm posed by the results of technical progress and the designers of the American nuclear bomb (the total amount of them was about 5 or 10 thousand) had been aware of this, they would have scarcely agreed to undertake such a work. It turns out that due to bombing Hiroshima every one of them appeared to have been a killer of 10 through 20 people.

And now the estimate:  each of the culprits should have to pay 20 – 50 million dollars to the relations – even the American salary would not do. That means that they would be forced to become Japanese slaves!

Our progress is moved by scientists. In Russian, the word “scientists” (“ученые”) runs like “those who have been taught”, i. e. those absorbed some knowledges gained somewhere by somebody. In English this word sounds differently: men of science, persons engaged in science + skillful, skilful. You are going to become such persons after mastering this course. Not everyone will become great at once, but some day and with your inquisitiveness you will. At any rate, you will differently look at the world around – not the same as those who did not read these books.

Just note at once: the agile indefatigable children, and even hooligans will be able to expose success more than average abilities.

But in any case, a young mind not overloaded by stereotypes and common places is able to learn innovation and invention much more successfully than a grown-up person tasked by his chief.

The adultness will add “texture”, working facts, which could be easily introduced into the shell of our rules.

Perhaps, since the first school years you felt lack of time and then, what is more important, lack of health. From whence will you take time for reading this book? The matter of fact is that we and the teachers will arrange about the main subjects the following: you will not be coached for a great massif of materials you are not obliged to know. We will reveal you a terrible mystery, which, perhaps, was revealed for you by your parents: from all you are given in school you remember a small portion – about one tenth, and you will need in your life only one tenth from the latter. And it will be really so, only if this small (only one percent!) but fundamental portion was splendidly explained to you by your teachers in school and visibly shown with the help of samples from the life around : electric lamps, audio‑video players, PCs, Internet, automobiles, airplanes, washing soda, …

All the rest knowledge will be soon forgotten.

But not by everybody. There are children, in which a special thirst for certain subjects exists.  They will need the rest  knowledge, not remembered by the others. The more so, they may be in  need of new and new knowledge from more serious books, from Internet, from advanced scientists, inventors and so on. But that is an individual obligatory trouble of their parents and schools.

  We, adults, in our life had time to experience different political systems, that is, systems servicing those or other social layers, those or other doctrines.

Many of us have survived socialism and capitalism in different forms. The main disadvantage of the “political” approach is the sincere indignation of ideologists and disciples of each following system with respect to the preceding one. And negation of it. So, our today’s worshippers and political workers of capitalism have tried to strike everything coming from socialism out of our life. In something, they are right: so called socialism brought many harm to us. Nevertheless, under thorough study it appeared that, by different reasons, the practitioners of socialism had introduced  no one of the main principles of socialism declared by classics – Marks and Engels. These are: payment according the results of one’s labor; taking into account in these results not only and not so much economy of expenditures as the use value (usefulness) of these results; the possibility of revolution at once in several (not only one) highly-developed countries, and so on. The pupils of senior classes are able to understand it well. That is why we had had not the real socialism.

One wonders, in the West, when the economic crisis occurred in 2008, as witnesses say, at once the people bought up all the books by Marks – an ideologist of socialism. However, 2008 has shown that the main principle of capitalism (the market one) was not realized, especially in the monetary sphere. If you attentively read this book, you will see that it contains many most productive ideas for perfecting our life independently of politics. So, studying this first book by chapters you will understand:

·             how many unlike cultures and civilizations existed and now exist on Earth, how they arrived, how occurred wars and revolutions, and how one should try to prevent them;

·             that for saving our and any other culture and its development sometimes one should overcome complex barriers including psychological;

·             that, besides military and economic power, the determinative matter for citizens is their life level including material income, good circumstances, and protection against wars and gangsters – for this, the regular renovation (development) of society is needed;

·             that for correct estimate of usefulness of innovations, the opinion of the consumer (the people) plays the leading part, as well as  regarding this opinion when working out the rules of personal behavior and determining the use and harm, the latter being greatly dependent on the decision of all leaders and managers;

·             that forming a special science will be needed, intended for studying and developing the most effective methods for creating novelties, determining mechanisms of implementing the best ones;

·             that now and forever it is necessary to revise the efficiency of all projects being suggested and realized, of all already existing organizations, consuming money from taxes (our money), and, if necessary, to correct the ways of their development.


From the second book you will understand:

·             that in all above a special place should be given to propaganda of activities of cultural and religious organizations living by higher general interests, which can ennoble our souls;

·             why your questions are so important for you and will be acquainted with a concentrated product out of a variety of articles on the topic of how to save and multiply your physical and psychic health;

·             where the sense of educational innovations is which occur now beginning with introduction of this course, and how it will affect your future health and capacity for work;

·             the most actual directions in development of the society encompassing us.

The last chapter of Second book contains a free review of the above in controversial and publicistic key, which will help you to fix all you have known during the year.

To understand equally the structure of development, we tried to depict it in Figure 1.

DEAR FRIENDS! Much of what you can read here some people may consider as far-fetched and useless. Many of us met and still meet something like this talking to higher officials. That’s in the best case. But more often our initiatives are left unnoticed. By this, they try to let us see insignificance of these works and of all the topic.


Let us repeat: all changed for us since January 2009 when we knew (by the way, absolutely by chance – from Internet) that our neighbors – the whole Euro Union – came to a far-reaching program “European Year of Creation and Innovations - 2009”. We will tell about  it in the end of this book. They (Europeans) in time and opportunely understood the necessity of mobilizing creative power of the people for neutralization of the challenges of upcoming overall globalization, and, on the contrary, − for utilizing its advantages. It will soon come to us, but you will be the first.

We are sure that someday any novations, projects, programs, just books, films, video clips, even musical pieces, culinary and other receipts, sports games, rumors  and fantasies   will be considered in terms of speed of social development and saving the human genofund.  

Or, on the contrary, of degradation of a human being and all mankind.


The time of such a great change is upcoming.





Chapter 1.

Development in

 Nature and Society


Here is the subject of our conversation:

Ø     Natural cosmologic, geologic, and weather changes. Human activity effects


Ø     Development of means of production, goods of consumption, and vital functions conditions


Ø     Non-material goods




Ø    1.1. Natural cosmologic, geologic, and weather changes. Human activity effects



In our nature on the Earth different cyclic phenomena occur, which are conditioned by tectonic, climatic, and other natural changes, significantly affecting our life. As compared with our human life, these phenomena and changes are very intensive though relatively slow and even predictable – except volcanic explosions, earthquakes, tsunami, and other cataclysms.

But in the last decades, human activities essentially increased and their consequences can be even compared with natural. For instance, if any alien makes observations of our planet in not visible frequency range but in the radio band, he will see our planet as a bright star. Though, because of superposition of many radio stations he could scarcely distinguish human speech. 

Now we compete with nature phenomena in excretion of heat, which are redoubled by the so called “hothouse effect” and excretion of CO2 as a consequence of burning the hydrocarbon fuel (first of all in automobile and aviation motors and launch vehicles). This threatens to change our climate, to melt the ice at the north and south poles and mountain peaks. The low-lying lands (Europe, some parts of USA, and others) can just be flooded.

But all these are remote and only possible consequences. Nevertheless, there are some consequences from our human activities which should be considered just now. And the main source and cause is the impetuous non-controlled technical development.

What are the current human activities?   

If we look to the International invention classifier, we will see that this voluminous encyclopedia contains tens of thousands kinds of activities, within which a lot of various inventions (up to the most fine details) has been made and are being made. The most principle ones are only several, but the annual amount of the registration documents reaches 400 thousands.

And among them, the technique is at the first place during the last 100 years.

But if one considers the anthropological, common to all mankind effect, then it began still before the impetuous technical development. And the consequences are the following.

The scientists have calculated that for all the history (say, for 10 thousand years) the mankind has annihilated approximately 40% of the biosphere – of all that gives us food and the life. The 30% (from 40%) have been annihilated for the last 200 years, when the impetuous technical development occurred. It can be easily calculated that extermination of the biosphere has accelerated approximately by 150 times. But the amount of people increased from 3 million to 1 – 7 billion, that is, approximately by 1000 times. It would be interesting to know, that, if to count the average age of first population was 30 and that of the current population is 50, then the contrast would be greater. Consequently, in time, with growth of “wiseness” of the mankind it consumes more economically. Though, with that, we cannot yet proceed with such consumption.

For 10 thousand years, the agriculture has exterminated 2 billion hectares of fertile soil, from those – 0.7 billion hectares only for the last 300 years, and for the last 50 years – 0.3 billion. I.e. the acceleration is by 11 times and 30 times, respectively. And the population increased for that time from 3 million through 6 billion. Now, with the same acceleration, the fertile lands remained for 150 – 200 years. And now there is the shortage of food in many regions. There are still many problems for inventors and real scientists on Earth. Nothing to say on the necessity of growth of spiritual needs, which for a civilized human being have already gotten equal and even exceed the amount of paid material needs.


A reference: POPULATION is a continuously renewable (in the process of production) community of people living on Earth as a whole or at some its part. As a guide, by the end of epoch of paleolith (about 15,000  B. C.) the population reached 3 million people, by the end of neolith (2,000 B. C.) – 50 million, in the beginning of A. D. there were already 230 million people on Earth, in A. D. 1000 – 275 million, in 1800 – 1 billion, in 1900 – 1.6 billion, in 1960 – 3 billion, in 1993 – 5.5 billion, in 2003 – 6.3 billion, now (Febr. 2008) – more than 6 billion and 670 million people, and as predicted for 2050 – 9.2 billion. Up to 1970s the population grew following the hyperbolic law; now we can see some retardation of the population growth (reference from “The Earth population - Vikipedia”).


But the main misfortune is contamination of all environments of our existence – air, water, soil, and space. We are going to talk on this in the next Chapter.


1.2. Development of means of production, goods of consumption, and vital functions conditions        


 This is development of what the production is made by, with the help of which one works, what is produced, and in what conditions people live and produce. One should perfect all this – improve, enhance the quality and efficiency, and make it cheaper  to have superfluous money for alternative necessary things, including non-material goods, as well as spiritual and cultural wealth.

Our time, as compared with that of 200 and even 100 years ago, is characteristic of very fast technical progress. The techniques helps us to build more quickly and more comfortable houses, gives us to easily communicate each other, to produce the cheaper furniture, dress, footwear, means of records of music and movie, to come to outer space, and to carry on the prospective researches.

But so was not ever. Many of nowadays production 100 years ago were absent at all.


We are very uneconomical


We should clearly conceive that all these goods require more and more raw materials. We draw it from the world stocks, which have been accumulated on Earth and in Earth for millions and billions of years. And if we proceed with so rapidly annihilating all these sources, they will not remain for our children and, perhaps, even for us. We should learn to create new technical means and make new inventions much more economical and with much greater ratio of profit to expenditure, i. e. with more efficiency. And in future, we should especially encourage it. And before it, we should learn to measure this efficiency and to show it to everybody.

The growth of technique is not the main and not the final index of our labor efficiency. Would you agree, when you come into your flat, into your home, you need not just know what kind of electric network is set in your region for supplying you flat. You would like to have a possibility to come into a warm and well illuminated room; the electricity should be of sufficient voltage (now it is usually 220 v) and, by the way, stable that the lamps would not frequently burn out.

Someone of your parents perhaps works or worked in the so called “production sphere” and perhaps know what the documentation for production of any technical good is. For example – an electric lamp. This is hundreds of pages of detailed text and working drawings. All this is so despite a lamp appears a very simple thing: a thin glow-lamp filament (usually of one of the most refractory metals - tungsten) stretched between two thick traverses soldered to the cap. It was invented long ago, almost 200 years ago, but the new inventions of it are coming to the patent organizations constantly. In the future, they perhaps will come from you. This is so nothing to say on the new energy-saving lamps, which only just now are coming into our life. What is anticipated in future – we will know later from the most foolhardy persons of you, who without fail will invent many more useful things.


Light, heat, pleasant uncontaminated air, the sufficient silence – all these are the conditions of our life and our labor. For the sake of them a man creates (should create!) many machines, produces many energy. And we all pay for the labor of those who produces all this.


But we pay not for all so far

This is an alternative side of the medal, which everybody should know since his young age. The matter of fact is that the plants producing something not only draw the natural wealth for transforming them into the necessary machines, but they impose certain harm to the surrounding population and nature, some portion of energy is going to outer space. Not deliberately, but it comes out so. When the consumer buys some production he pays for the labor of makers and the loss of energy. But there is something more.

Quite recently, they believed that the main negative effect of our plants is the so called “hothouse effect”, when CO2 arising in almost every production produces in higher layers of atmosphere a sort of protective film preventing the heat exchange of the Earth. But these leaks are not the main negative effect (i. e. damage) of our human (as scientists say, anthropogenic) activities. The last research showed that our technogenic activities, as compared with the natural one (for example, volcanic), is almost nothing – less than 10%. But today the more important problem exists: how to prevent the “earthly” damage which is much more harmful – that from contamination of the air we breathe in, the water we drink, the soil we grow vegetable crops and fruits which we eat … How to solve this problem? The simplest right way to do it is paying for all this at the expense of consumer with the aim of stimulating and encouraging lowering the cost.

What we should pay for?

The main portion of harm – more than a half – we receive from the contaminated atmosphere air, which we breathe in ventilating our lungths  approximately by 5 – 7 litres a minute. Via the air the contaminations get into our organism, and the blood conveys them to all our vital organs. In settlements, one of the most intensive polluters is an automobile fed by the hydrocarbon fuel (gas et cetera). It is a splendid invention of mankind. So we will consider it as an example.

An automobile gives us many comforts. They are well known: the rapidity of delivering cargos and people, the comfortable conditions for passengers (more comfortable than in the common transport, the more so, than afoot).  However, it creates many problems and does much harm to us: many thousands of people are being killed by cars (in the US they calculated that the losses from cars are the same as if they would be monthly from the aircraft Boeing catastrophes); we are forced to breathe in the toxic exhaust; the people living along the congested routes suffer from constant noise and cancer diseases; cars in towns occupy a significant area in yards and at the roadsides.

Below, in the Table compiled for Moscow conditions we give, as an example, the information on the damage caused by the automobile transport to Muscovites and the Moscow guests.





Kinds of effect

Main consequences of the automobile effect

Damage is indicated in the next column, billion rubles a year (approximately)

Annual damage




1.      Toxic substances in exhaust.

Objects of the effect: practically, all the population of a town

1.1.Biological effect

Diseases of circulation of the blood, endocrine and nervous systems, digestive disorder, disorder of metabolism, disorder of the immune system: weakening of resistance of organism at the background of cardio-vascular diseases, increase of diathesis for catarrhal and inflectional diseases and so on 




1.2.Psychological effect

Organic losses due to subjectively (morally) conceived influence, particularly – irritation of central nervous system due to smog and unpleasant smells, neurotic effect and growth of aggressive behavior of people, the sense of discomfort up to the suicidal propensity and so on





1.3.Ecological effect

Oppression of flora and fauna, growth of expenditures for their restoration, lowering of the air cleanness and production of oxygen, lowering of esthetics. Losses from degradation of soil, lowering of crop capacity at the by-route collective and private agricultural allotments, degradation of inanimate nature – disorder of stability of geological processes and so on 





        Total: 32

2. Toxic contamination of the air due to tire dust

Objects of effect: population of towns living in the by-route houses, workers of the rubber industry, children of such parents, children contacting spare tires

2.1.Biological effect

Lowering of immunity: for workers of tire industry, drivers, and population – heightened hazard of illness (bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma, and others), strongly pronounced carcinogenesis – growth of oncologic diseases and mutagenesis 



No data

2.2.Economical and material


Budget and personal expenditures for treatment of cancer patients



Total: >0.5

3.      Acoustic contamination

Objects of effect: population of towns at a distance up to 1 – 1.5 km from the autobahns

3.1. Biophysiological

Oppression of psychics, lowering of immunity of people



3.2. Moral-psychological effect

Bias of semantics and even the sense of life and then – attempt upon the value guidelines (often not only antihuman but also anti-personal actions, up to stimulating direct suicidal guidelines). Continuous noise brings up persons having the coarsened psychics, socially hard-hearted and inactive, with primitive needs and creatively unable





Total: 8

4. The occupied area

Objects of effect: practically, all the population of a town

4.1. Economical and social

The area excluded from planned economy and social circulation (as estimated by the Moscow land department)




4.2. Moral-psychological

De-esthetization of the territory, time expenditure due to round-about of the parked cars, and so on;  irritation, spiritual-esthetic losses for people due to de-esthetization (lowering of esthetics) of the surrounding  nature






5. Road-transport accidents (RTA)

Objects of effect: drivers, passengers, and pedestrians

5.1. Economical effects

The losses for community due to the under-obtained portion of Gross National Product; expenditures of organizations for repair and acquisition of new techniques, for treating and change of workers; expenditures of the Government and local administration for liquidation of consequences of the road-transport accidents





5.2. Material (personal and for the family)


Damage and lowering of material income for near ones; damage incurred due to loss of the bread-winner




5.3. Physical (organic)

Deterioration of health of the RTA’s victims and, as a consequence, lowering of capacity for work, living stamina, self-feeling, immunity for infections and so on

Not accounted here

5.4. Moral-psychological


Stresses and depressions due to RTA




       Total: 3

6. Traffic-jam (in the EU techniques especially accounted)

Objects of effect: particularly drivers and passengers

6.1. Economic

Lowering of the volume of realization of delayed goods and services, decrease of the volume of works due to reduction of working time



6.2. Material

Decrease of the labor payment due to coming late


6.3. Moral-psychological

Useless loss of personal time due to waiting


Total: 9

The sum damage equals 75 billion rubles a year, including 27 thousand rubles per one RTA event, 7.5 thousand rubles per a person, 12.6 thousand rubles per a litre of fuel (all in prices of 2005)





The following were not taken into account:

Damage due to the tire dust – its carcinogenic effect (works of Nictire Laboratory – V. B. Tretyakov – and the Institute of carcinogenesis, RAS, Moscow); ozone, being generated as a result of the solar rays’ effect to benzol; nitric dioxide and hydrocarbon as a part of exhaust of an automobile (works of the University of California, USA); vibration, visible and radio band radiation (materials of Higher Ecological Counsel of the State Duma); contamination of soil due to pouring out the fuel-lubricant materials (works of the Institute of ecology of a human being and hygiene of the environment, RAS, Moscow); budget expenditures for liquidation of consequences of the road-transport accidents, the effect of cars to the landscape and climate (techniques of EU) .

As it is supposed, taking into account all of this will increase the total damage at least by 1.5 times.


As one can see, the “toxic-ecological” damage is only one third of the total. So, if the ecologists desperately struggling for ecologically pure fuel achieve their goal, they will only a little make the people happy. And what is the main - it is a tremendous damage due to carcinogenic effect of the dust produced by the tire friction (so far not taken into account) that remains. In this sense, pure is only the tram and the subway.

So, in the overpopulated regions (the more people, the more cars) the damage is tremendous. It is equal to approximately the cost of the motor fuel. And as a whole, the benefit of the car equals the harm of it. By the way, for the foreign states it is the same. The owners of cars do not reimburse this damage, so, they rob all the rest people, including their relatives and near ones.

One more problem of our time is electromagnetic “smog”. Even 30 years ago one could see a great peak effect of this factor to people, as compared with the natural fields – the continuous thunderstorm activities all over the world.

Now, besides the powerful transducers of TV broadcast, there exists a great deal of relaying systems for providing the mobile communication and especially personal transducers, id est, mobile phones. The consequences are very harmful. No kidding! A little example. The permissible norm of effect of the power flux density (PFD) for professionals is established 1 mw per 1 cm2 during 15 min irradiation in a day. For the rest people the norm is by 10 times less, i. e. 0.1 mw. For reference: the power of a mobile phone transducer is about 300 mw. When we press it to the ear the contact area is about 10 cm2. If you divide the first by the second, you will obtain PFD = 300/10 = 30 mw/cm2, that is 300 times more than the permissible norm.

By the way, in Moscow there are as many as 10 million tubes. If one switches them on simultaneously, then the irradiation power will be 0.3 w × 10,000,000 = 3 Mw (megawatt), which is much more than the power of the Ostankino TV tower’ transducers (see Internet).

Another general ecological problem is disposal of refuse. By observation of sailors, now, the amount of debris on the ocean surface in many places is more than the amount of plankton. The crews of ships never troubling themselves heave it just overboard. Owing to currents the refuse is travelling around the world. Once, in the Arctic Ocean, a container with brightly yellow ducks fell overboard and cracked.  Sometime after that event people used to find the yellow ducks in Indian Ocean and even before the coast of Australia.

Recently, a whole island made of bunched debris was found between California and Hawaii. Its size was about Central Europe, though it was not so dense to let one go over it. On the average, as the “German wave” radio station informs us via Internet, now in seas and oceans, up to 50 thousand articles of production are drifting per a nautical mile. The most harmful of them is plastic. It decomposes for more than a hundred years. Some fishes, being deceived, swallow it, poison themselves, and perish.

And if the oil pours out from the tanker because of the catastrophe, the oil spot makes dead a great space where all poultry perishes. The recent catastrophe of the tanker near the coast of Spain made dead a great sea region which area is equal to Portugal. This is also a catastrophe for the Spain tourist business and for fishery of many countries. There is more harm from recent accident by coast USA.

Let’s remember that sea food takes the significant place in the people’s menu. So, rise in the price of fish for the last decades of years, which your parents can observe, is quite explainable.

And one more thing, perhaps the most important: no one organism cannot live in its own waste.

A problem is set for people: to increase the quality of protection against the waste products, against the spilling of oil, to improve processing the sea products with the aim of cleaning it of harmful pollution and, first of all, of helminthes and parasites we all are infected with. This is a problem for our and the following generations. You will have a job for you. And, if you learn since your young age to see demerits  around you and to invent,  you, perhaps, will do it more successfully than we, adult today.

So, in the prospect, we have tremendous problems in the ecological sphere to solve, and at the first place, in social ecology. And you are to conceive it, to make more and more efficient technical means, including on the world level efficiency, id est to make inventions, nothing to say about your main industrial and cultural activities.

How to produce things with the maximum quality and highest efficiency – that’s the subject for science, many sciences, many institutes and designing bureaus, millions of scientists and engineers. Many of them, in a manner, repeat some early made components, details, units, and techniques… But somebody succeeds to find such technical solutions one can find nowhere. And those findings and products become inventions.  We will discuss them in other chapters of the book.

But there are non-material goods, which we appreciate very much though they could not be referred as goods and even the conditions of vital functions.




1.3. Non-material goods


First, by this we mean security – personal and state (that is, public) one. It is the guaranty that nobody will not take away all we have, including our life and health. For this function, the State has special right-protective (to say more correctly – public-protective) organs – army, police, federal security establishments and many others.

Non-material goods today – it is also a great sphere of services. It is a whole health protection system, sale of tickets, dry-cleaning, services on tidying-up, repairs of technics, and so on. In the US the whole volume of such services reaches 60% from all they produce – Gross national output.

Further. As well, these are means of organization of production. Let’s imagine, that patents for new more qualitative and cheaper electric lamps as a continuous current come from inventors to the plant, but the experts there do not want to accept them. That means that the society has not found the way how to interest the experts, who do not wish to strain their heads to read and analyze the novelties and then to accept and realize the best of them at their plant. By the way, this matter is not so simple, because it makes the people and specialists in the industry to change expensive equipment. And if it concerns scientists, they are forced to change their convictions, the “truths” learned by heart, and sometimes to waive their innermost ideas. The most stubborn resistance of such a kind was defined by Karl Marks as “a professional cretinism”, id est as an evident disease. We will talk later how to overcome it, for the most successful inventors will be forced to come across this phenomenon in their lives more than once.

And one more thing: non-material goods are spiritual values as well. They are religion, fine arts, theater, music, cinema, … Still more: freedoms, rights (for which people – especially modern people – is ready to pay and not little). Very often, the struggle for rights and freedoms turns into the struggle for quality and stableness of getting material goods. But not ever. This is also the struggle for having possibility to fearlessly express our own opinion, that the latter was taken onto account,  that nobody could force us to speak alternative language, to listen alternative (disliked by us since our childhood) music. Not everyone likes it, even provided the same material goods.





Citations, aphorisms, and humor 



“The human existence is enigmatic. And this mysteriousness is alike senselessness.”

“There is nothing aimless in our life, if not to consider the life itself.”

“Life without love is not a life but existence. One cannot live without love. It is for love, that the spirit is given to a human being.”

“The life, as a matter of fact, comes to fuss of a human being with himself. ”

“Who can explain the sense of his life? Nobody can..! One should not ask himself about this. Just live! And go round, and look around you. So then anguish will never oppress your heart.”

“We all live without any sufficient basis for this.”

“One should consider a day as a little life.”

“Those your people are ridiculous. They bunched and squeeze each other, though there is so much space on Earth. And everybody works. What for? For whom? Nobody knows. You see a man ploughing and think: here, he will pour out all his power with sweat drop by drop into earth, and then he will lie down into it and rot into it. Nothing will remain from him. He sees nothing from his field and dies the same as was born – a fool… Well, was he born indeed only, sort of, to peck at the ground and to die, having no time even for digging a grave for himself? Does he aware of freedom? Does he understand what the steppe to the full extent is? Does the murmur of the waves cheer his anima? He is a slave – just as he was born, a slave for all his life, and it’s all up!” Maxim GORKY (Alexey Maximovich PESHKOV; 1868 -1936):


One cannot affirm that the classic was right in all he said. Let us think together in our classes.



Questions and tasks



1.     Can one believe the world is unchangeable or it changes?

2.     Please, answer: which natural phenomena are relatively constant (almost unchangeable) and which are rapidly changing?

3.     What is changing faster – climate or weather? What is subject to people?

4.     Where can you see the impact of a man to the surrounding nature? If so, is this impact positive or negative, to your mind?

5.     On the example of your family, which changes happened during your life in the home technics, nutrition, clearness of the air and water?

6.     What non-material goods do you and your parents use?

7.     Do your parents entrust or commit you to buy any goods? If not, then why?

8.     If you visit any shops, which rules of trading should be changed in the first place, in your opinion?


The final Chapter



 TO NOVATIVE EDUCATION  is a slogan not only for today, but for still much older  days. Today it is proclaimed from the highest tribunes, and we should hurry up to start to make of pupils the true innovators and even inventors. But the main thing – to make of them adults, who for all their life will be trained  to meet all the novelty and usefulness with readiness.

The author of the textbook in due time was a military engineer, an inventor, Doctor of Engineering, then an innovator and an expert on social development, Full Doctor of Economics, professor and actually a founder of the Theory of public development and the author of many publications on this theme.

The obligatory invitation of teachers to perfect the textbook and to prepare some obligatory "subject" applications, which was planned by the author and the scientific and technical community, raises the probability of that the material for teaching will always be in the spirit of time as the Ministry has noted.

Editing of the book will be also more carefully carried out.

The project «NOVATIVE EDUCATION», which on the basis of the conclusion and advice of the MINISTRY now is being prepared for approbation in some educational establishments of Russia, envisages, beginning with the high school, the introduction in structure of all subjects of the compulsory curriculum of theory and the practice innovative (more exactly and wider - NOVATIVE) perception by pupils of reality and to teach them the skill of  finding the new and effective decisions first in simple, and then in complex situations.

 That is training to a science and art of creativity, the skill to noticing demerits in the world around and to make highly effective inventions, including social ones. It should be the true CONSTRUCTIVE Education. Difficulty of implementation of novations, including social, is accounted for just by the fact  that our education system is based on presenting the knowledge as if the God created it forever.  And, thus, it demands from the pupil only superficial understanding of a dogmatic product, and more often - simply to remember it.

The long-term, centuries-old stage of realization of the doctrine of inflating pupils with a huge staff of knowledge without an explanation of the dialectics and sense of their occurrence and the public need, dries up the pupils’ brain by senseless storing of this knowledge, practically never wanted by life. It brings a huge contribution to sharp deterioration of health of children and young men.

It convinces many of them of its «professional unfitness», removes them from any science, any knowledge, does not develop creative talent (natural for many children), and involuntarily leads to the protest antisocial behavior, and perhaps also - to alcohol and drugs.

Numerous November protests of schoolboys and schoolgirls in France and Germany  in 2008 against the useless and complicated education prove this conclusion not only for the Russian education.

We should show, that a life, into which pupils enter, is not simply full of lovely secrets about which the teacher tells them at school, of interesting books and entertaining telecasts, but it is not without serious lacks and imperfection. We should not tell the children, that the life, in which they have already come, lays in the evil and is full of only dangers, but they should be crisply shown, that it is full of questions, and they are faced with solving them. One should explain them that not everything made by their parents and parents of their parents, is absolutely true and solely true. Otherwise, we shall continue to make from them dogmatics and conformists, for whom meeting with something new (invented not by them) is almost a tragedy. Especially for professionals who for all their life differently learned and thought.

The introduction of  the “creativity sector” at school will allow to embrace the pupils with the spirit of development, under the control of administration and parents, the regular curriculum being studied along with all this. In any case, it will be done by means of significant decrease (as a factor of 2-3) of the “drill load” in each subject up to the newly established basic level. Along with this a stress will be done on the close application  to a modern life - technical, organizational, informational... And also, the volume of humanistic and humanitarian sector should increase – the wide propagation of ideas of philanthropy, fundamentals of different cultures and religions, and also physical culture, art creativity, travel, etc. - up to 10 percent of school hours. And so it will be gradually possible to forget about essential deterioration of the pupils’  health. Indeed, for today, the pupils’ health problem  is the well-known fact. All the above was - first.


Second, the pupils interested in more detailed study of some subjects will be enabled the profound study of them by means of additional lessons and advices with the same or specially picked up teachers.

These textbooks are the first ones of a series of teaching materials for high schools (8-10 classes) and institutes. They should gradually, with attraction of talented popular writers, be transformed into the simplified textbook for 3-4 classes and, on the contrary, in the more strictly written textbooks for special institutes and universities of creativity.

It is clear, that all this will inevitably give additional weight (literally) to the textbook. That is why we decided to release it as 2 or even 3 books. The material of the 2-nd book (neoscience and then neoknoledge), which will include such sections as the “World of the future”, “Fundamentals” of personal and public health, and “I am an inventor” will be handed to a publishing house only after the beginning of work on the first.

Simultaneously, as we believe, the school should lift the humanitarian and humanistic aspects and increase the contribution to moral education of pupils: people of the future with the increased creative capabilities should have the maximum clean belief.





To lay a special stress on the basic mathematical concepts and notions, using picturesque forms of presenting the essence, including such notions as: arithmetic and algebraic sums, definite and indefinite integral, logarithm and antilogarithm, differential calculus, solution of simple equations, the initial conception on the theory of combinations and, what is very important, the notion of a set and its development and generalization, the notion of an infinite sequence.

Development of the mathematical conceptions in human history as the forms of solving the main social problems (with outstripping and lag). The role of invention in mathematics (for finding the efficient and absolutely new solutions). Appearance of such books as “Mathematics and plausible reasoning”, “The role of invention in mathematics” and others. The part of mathematics in development of different sciences. Exaggeration and underestimation of the mathematics’ part in social development.

Available CD programs and how to use them, simple and complex calculators including the programmable ones.

Development of mathematical conceptions - some historical examples from the life of our society. An important role of mathematics in development of different sciences, a harm of unfounded increase of accuracy and of reference to mathematics as an argument of truth.




The realm of physical phenomena and evolution of the stages of its step-by-step understanding. Revelation of natural laws and attempts of their formalization (successful and unsuccessful). The portion of cases enveloped and missed by well known laws  of Ohm, Hook ???? , and so on.


The part of inventions in the universe of physical phenomena in the course of development of human societies, in the evolution of condition and results of human activities. The highest achievements of a mankind on the physical basis for the last 20, 200 and 2000 years. Offers for future.



The important public  achievements for the last 20, 200 and 2000 years and their importance for the society – positive and negative. Some attempts of evaluation of their efficiency. Laws and rules – manmade, short-lived, not forever. Suggestions for future.



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