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Appendix 2







Szymon Oscislowski

Marco Polo policy Co-ordinator
DG MOVE/B3 Logistics, co-modality, motorways of the sea & Marco Polo
European Commission

Ваш N /Your Ref.:

Наш N /Our Ref.: 1022/АК

Дата /Date: 25.04.2010 г.

Respected Mr. Szymon Oscislowski,

This long pause was not casual: I have been very surprised by primary cold in answers to our offers  concerning possible ways of perfection of yours programs «Marco polo».

I really consider it very noble. But I did not assume, that these offers can be instantly used in practical work. But only from you I have received the human answer:  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions. After some time of «hesitate»  allow to continue to me correspondence – if, of course, to you not very  hard me to answer my awful English language (after the computer).

I can tell, that even if the organisations of EU will not become interested by our offers, the fact of occurrence  «DECISION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning the European Year of Creativity and Innovation (2009)  - COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Brussels, 28.3.2008;  KOM (2 008) 159 endgultig В 2008/0064 (COD)» - it for me personally huge positive splash,  which has allowed first of all to me and to our modest group to see, that a vector,  which we have chosen more 30 years ago (since 1973-75) despite all these decades in full vacuum were basically correct.  And even if we have seen at you some small discrepancies in execution of «Marco Polo», it is  copecks, cents.


And still very much it would be desirable, that the concept chosen at a writing «DECISION … concerning the European Year of Creativity and Innovation», it would be realised ideally.  In detail to investigate a problem «Marco Polo» we have set only with one purpose: to learn, we could be necessary for you or at you all goes ideally? The problem became simpler that we tried to solve a similar problem (cleaning of roads from autotransportations) before in Moscow.   And now at two conferences, one of which will be together with representatives of the government of Russia, we directly will show a finger: while we think and think, the West does all rationally.   

It is not necessary to be surprised our self-confidence: the main question which I personally develop 30 years, - metrology of innovations. It was not simply. More low in a footnote - a fragment from one letter in the government of the Austria, where I and we wished to arrive for the joint decision of their some problems.  In this fragment from me as from head IPDA I tried to explain and as though to apologise, that our workings out were not casual *.


Why we have addressed to Austria?

In 02.2009, referring to absence of own means, one of members of Eurocommission - Directorate-General for Education and Culture, Deputy Head of Unit Mr. Roger O'Keeffe has recommended to us to contact national programs.    I have answered it approximately so: who will want to divide such beautiful problem with the foreigner, especially from Russia?  I was right.  

But we could not know, how the enormous attention of the centre will affect quality of works after the year.  

Now I can tell: as to registration of works, their representation to the people – that all is   good. Small trifles… and we are ready to help with it  - there are words from our letter to Eurocommission which we now prepare. Also can be we will send.

«Marco Polo» in this letter – only short episode, but for us very interesting.


  Respected Mr Szymon Oscislowski, of course, we here far from Europe do not represent your hierarchy. Perhaps, personally you cover all innovative programs then I (we) should work with you.  I am (we are) ready to arrive for a short while to you – better to the German-speaking country.  One of two my colleagues – too professors – speaks in good English.  

But here a trouble: the more years, the it would be less desirable to potter with stations, the airports – especially in ashes from volcanoes …  


On our site there are some texts in English if there will be time – look at them.  Probably, you to someone from your colleagues will tell, that we in some details can be to you useful.  Me extremely interest those people who initiated and have written remarkable, it is possible to tell – surprising   DECISION…  concerning the European Year of Creativity and Innovation (2009).  Only these people can be sincerely interested in effective execution of all programs.  Including our offers  - now, after detailed studying of the program «Marco Polo», it already absolutely is clear to us.


I very much would like, that you have understood me: me it interests not only as author - I will manage with firmness, if I will see, that someone has made better.  The main thing, that after Europe its models will start to copy . Also it will be difficult to look, that the general idea of correction of gross blunders of all doctrine of our civilisation will be spoilt because of trifles.

Therefore be not surprised, that in letters I am too persevering.

But it will be hardly probable productive, too uneasy material.  Therefore I assume to take advantage of existing legislative possibilities -  Decision No 1982/2006/EC  (16).  I will directly tell you our readiness  some years to work in one of collectives of Europe,  which will sincerely want to make together with us  the present step forward in a demanded direction.


In case of a favorable meeting of our approach  and occurrences between us of sufficient mutual understanding,  the transferred device (methodology) can be shared for the several practical purposes. In particular, for filling textbooks within the limits of innovative education (one such textbook for the senior classes of schools is prepared by us), for introduction of system of adequate certification of production  on indicators of quality and ecological cleanliness etc. 


For all it is better to create  The All-European project of monitoring and programming  of public development,  which after development of rules novometry and accreditations of a network of the centres in Europe   can adjust procedure of the review, detection, verification and metrology of consequences of innovations (any: technical, technological, organizational, financial, legislative, cultural-entertaining, scientific etc.). On the basis of these data it will be possible to make the actual and long-term forecast of influence of innovations for public development, including economic, material, social, moral and psychological consequences,  if necessary – to develop timely measures of their updating and even to programming  of public development,  with differentiation of recommendations for  branches, geographical areas and the countries   and to adjust preparation and exchange procedure by the most perfect experience between EU member states.


Originally I was the engineer and the active inventor (only 17 patents), then I have decided to understand, why at us invention will not be claimed, has left in patent department.  Already then are defined the concept and has been developed system details of  "the SOCIAL PATENT»,    - not similar to our socialist system: without intellectual property exclusive rights, but with representation of the information on advantages of new object and completion possibility its by  third parties.


  It would be useful for Europe to take and our system of certification CCK for production and the enterprises.  It was put on the first place among all Russian systems  by Europeans (the group working in Russia from EU in 2007-2009).  CCK differs and from all to us of known systems of other countries - that, first, gives the  characteristic not threshold, «yes or not», but analogue – proportionally utility for the consumer, is able to separate  average and bad and to show the best and purest goods  and, secondly,  unlike us of known European systems which protect the nature from the person  (it well), but do not reflect anthropogenous influence on health of the person of production and work of the enterprises (it is bad).


All this Europe if she will look objectively, without the overestimated self-conceit, can make alone.   But there is a question on which it is better to it to unite with others. This question much more difficult, but more honourable.


Since 1992 we have started to develop actively the program of reforming of system of justice of type offered by J. BENTHAM, 1800-1820, and still earlier - existing at People Hetty.  Essence of this reform: transition from bad codified justice (law) to the most direct, adequate justice  – to payment by guilty in favour of victims from all put damage, all kinds: material, economic, social, ecological, moral… We it named «return law». Then, during lifetime of J. BENTHAM, neither Napoleon, nor Alexander 1 could not make  it: lawyers have declared, that it for them does not give any prize. Not having thought of a public prize. The life has shown, that at the clever policy it now to enter quite both it is possible, and it is necessary.  It is necessary first of all in the countries for "our civilisation», first of all – in Europe best of all understanding negatives. And sometime - in other countries and in Russia.

But it is necessary for all.  Let's recollect, how many millions and even billions people conduct severe fights with each other under instructions of tens adventurers  because of empty political, religious, cultural and even economic doctrines.  Nobody is responsible for consequences, for a victim and suffering of the people, and in the international fights - from poisonous «national features». Without return law and «the rights to receive return» anything else will not stop. First of all it is necessary for the Asian countries which … all it can apprehend only from Europe. Also can be from Russia.


Alas, at us in Russia all it while is necessary for nobody: Russian semi-official organs watch closely only foreign news …  

We all it wished to transfer in Eurocommission – to clever and passionate people,   which have managed to think up, write and initiate carrying out through EuroParliament of the remarkable  DECISION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning the European Year of Creativity and Innovation (2009).


But! We perfectly understand, that anything terrible will not occur, if our wishes quickly do not come true anywhere, and workings out are not realized. And it in general is extremely pleasant for realising.   All of us, the basic group - 3 professors, we live not bad: the arranged well apartments in pure and concerning silent areas of Moscow and Kaliningrad, the life at us only becomes better.  One drills: not demanded works which are obviously necessary to Europe after 2009.  And not only to Europe: if it makes programs perfectly, from it will copy all world. Sometime and Russia.


Respected Mr Szymon Oscislowski, thanks for your time and attention, Boris Minin.


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With the best regards, Boris A. Minin

The president of the International Public Development Academy,

chief of the Federal certification Centre,

inventor, candidate of engineering science, doctor of economics, professor,

academician of the International Academy of informatization (UN)


                                                                             +7 (495) 475 96 28; (903) 542 35 95  (only in Russian)

During working correspondence in English for simplification of translation we ask you to use E-mail    




* History of the workings out connected with an estimation of results of creativity, as it has appeared, demands the certain period of ripening of each stage, the gradual analysis of a huge file of articles, books, and only it allows to make new, the following appreciable step to a new stage. For 30-35 years, from the very beginning (almost unconscious, but for certain not a casual  ours choice  this direction of ours works) , at us was such 6-7-8 big stages. For example: a long stage definition of aggression of different toxic substances, radiations, noise, vibrations …; then calculation of this aggression in cost units; definition of practical methods of an estimation of a moral and ecological damage; methods of calculation of scientific effect – for theory development; methods of calculation of term of an obsolescence because of occurrence in the market the best and cheaper goods-competitors (as it is strange, but after Marx nobody was engaged in it!) + from creative level, long guaranteeing the originality;  then methods of calculation of full potential of an innovation and the form of its optimum representation for a society … 

Each of these stages demanded the fertilisation and the terms of ripening of a fruit.  Naturally, the textbook which we have prepared, includes also these stages, and many other things to understand with the childhood, what such an innovation and how it to do. People who will know all it from school, can become innovators in any branch. Obviously, at mass development of these processes in the world will be accelerated  allocation from a noosphere of a new layer – creasphere.  As more recently, from occurrence «the person reasonable», the noosphere was allocated from biosphere, sphere of live.  Such are our reasonings already after understanding, what is the creativity and how to measure public efficiency  of its result – innovations.